
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Where IS Waldo?!

This July Waldo may be closer than you think!
As in a store around the corner closer.
As in Stitchology closer.

So come find him and participate in a fun city wide scavenger hunt hosted by Bookwoorks on Rio Grande.

This year Waldo turns 25 and to celebrate Stitchology has joined up with 19 other local stores to participate in a city wide scavenger hunt. All you have to do is stop by and find our Waldo doll that is hiding somewhere in the store.
Here he is looking all dapper as we search for the perfect hiding spot!

Once Waldo is found, I will give you a card and a list of the other participating stores. On July 31st there will be a Waldo shindig at Bookworks and prizes will be awarded.

Remember, the more times you find Waldo, the greater your chances to win a prize, so stop into Stitchology today and say “Hi!” to Waldo!

Happy Searching!
~Melisa & Cordelia