

Welcome to The Cordelia Files!

My name is Melisa Hart and I am a fabric store owner, fashion designer, seamstress and sewing instructor with a weakness for all things vintage, quirky and blue. I have been sewing since I was 6 when my mom handed me a yard sale sewing machine and told me to entertain myself. Little did she know that she was creating a sewing maniac who would grow up and start her own little Sewing Parlor and Fabric Boutique, Stitchology.
In March of 2010 I acquired my first dressform, Cordelia. She quickly climbed up the chain of command and has been promoted to the position of Vice President of  Hart Designs.

This blog was originally created as an easy way to share my work with family and friends, but it has since grown into a document of Cordelia’s sewing adventures, a hand full of sewing tutorials, and my own personal ramblings. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and are inspired to sew something nifty!

Please remember that while Cordelia and I hope to inspire and encourage you to create more, project ideas and tutorials are for personal use only…NOT for resale or re-distribution. Do not use photos or written instructions in any way without written consent.

And, here are a few more characters you may encounter :


Cordelia is the newest addition to Hart Designs and she came to us via our friends at the Designers Lounge. Due to a traumatic childhood experience (having something to do with pinking sheers) She has developed selective memory so her history is a bit shaky. We do know from some residue branding she worked a few years at Esperit.


Former VP of Hart Designs who has been demoted thanks to his love of sleeping all day. That and the fact he has no opposable thumbs which makes it virtually impossible to do any of the sewing/design work. When he is not sleeping, Oadie can be found chasing birds, courting CleoKitty the neighbor cutie (I keep telling him that when she hisses at him it means go away but he refuses to listen and thinks she’s in love) and eating Mousy Pouncies. He also loves chocolate ice-cream and almond cookies.


It’s a good thing she’s pretty cause she’s not very smart. However she is a sweet little love, and despite her drug addiction, a nasty habit of drooling when she is happy, and a tendency to "borrow" my tape measures, Tilly is a very good cat. She’s not so into exercise so she resembles a bowling ball, but that’s OK, cause we love fat cats here at Hart Designs.