
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Load It On Up!

The contractor’s getting ready to demolish our current home, so Cordelia and I had to temporarily relocate to this rental hose for the summer.


Which meant we had to pack everything up in lots and lots of boxes (man do Cordelia and I have a LOT of fabric).


So my sewing station went from looking like this:

To looking like this:


And then the movers came and took everything away.


And my sewing station looked like this:


I decided to let them take Cordelia too cause she is heavy. And I didn’t want to carry her up the stairs in the new house.

Stairs are not nice when moving.
On the bright side, the rental house has its very own built in summer workout regime.

Well first the movers wrapped Cordelia up in clear shrink wrap. So she wouldn’t swing around too much.

How many men does it take to wrap a dress form?
Answer: 3.

"I touched her waist!!"
at least one of the 3 was yelling.

And then they loaded her up onto their dolly.


And then ramped her into the truck.

And away she went.

Good by Cordelia!
 I’ll miss ya.
See you at the new house.


Cordelia had to spend the night on the truck with all the other furniture.

 She was soooo not happy about that.
 Trust me I heard all about how rambunctious the rocking chairs were.
They kept her awake all night.

And her plastic shrink wrap made her belly sweat.
 And itch.

And this is why I call her






And then she was unloaded into the new sew room, but because she was whining the whole time I decided to let her wear the shrink wrap a little bit longer.

Teach you to be a bad sport. Ha.
But the good news is that Cordelia now has a new, albeit temporary, home. And we have a new sew room which went from looking like this:

And this:

To looking like this:

And this:

And the sew room has a Comfy Chair

And I have a cutting table!

And the best part?
One Bernina

Two Bernina


Three Bernina



I can have all 4 of my machines set up at once!

Fabulous! I may never leave!!!!
Happy Bernina Party
~Melisa & Cordelia


  1. what i would kill for 4 berninas AND a dress form! looks awesome in there...can't wait to see what you make next!

  2. Thanks!!! Teaching at a Bernina dealership has some serious bennies-- but it also fosters love affairs with machines.....

  3. That move made Cordelia sooo grumpy..........
