
Monday, June 7, 2010

Drape Drape Drape on the Form Part Deux.

You remember this dress? The one I’m making for a client but love so much I had to have one of my own?

Well guess what?

I made myself one. And I LOVE it.
I’m headed to my brother’s graduation so naturally I NEEDED a new dress (lets temporarily ignore the fact that I have a closet full of dresses I could have worn).

And I didn’t have a lot of time to make one, so I decided this dress would be perfect cause I could make it in a few hours.

And I really didn’t want to go buy new fabric and decided I had to use something from my stash. So I turned to my Fabric Log Notebook and started flipping through my swatches until I found this one.

Now this fabric is perfectly nice, and it has a great print, but I don’t really look so good in yellow. It makes me look ill. But this was the only knit fabric I had in my stash and this pattern requires a knit.
So then I ran to my collection of sewing notions to find some die, and it turns out the only color I had was fuchsia. Now fuchsia isn’t really my color either, but I though, “ey, I’ll give it a shot.”

And I ended up with fabric that looked like this.

And I loved it. So I made my dress.

I changed it up a bit.

For one thing I raised the back a bit.

And I made this piping to create a woven pattern. It looks better on me.  Cordelia had a broader back than I do and streaches it out a bit.

And VOLA, beautiful graduation dress.

Happy Dressing
~Melisa and Cordelia

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