
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"It is Better to Wear Out Than to Rust Out"

Today is The Mama Hart’s birthday.

"Happy Birthday Mama Hart" says Cordelia.
Sometimes she can be sweet.

Any who, I made The Mama Hart a little something something cause that’s the kind of daughter I am. Plus I do have a reputation to live up to seeing as how I am known as the




Giftinator Dun Dun dun.

After diving into my fabric stash and finding a collection of Silk Dupioni scraps I decided to make her a scarf. It seamed like the right thing to do cause I knew the cream and blues would look stunning next to her face. So after a snip snip here and a stitch stitch there I ended up with this little beauty:

It is reversible for those times when she’s feeling a little less festive.

Cordelia LOOOOOOVES it. She refused to take it off and I had to bribe her with maple candy and a nap in my big comfy bed before she agreed to give it back.
Scheesh, what a lush.

This scarf is a perfect example of why I enjoy working with striped fabric—cause it’s obvious when you play around with the different grains of the fabric. See I have stripes going in every which way.

I fooled around with some different decorative seam finishes.

Like the Hong Kong seam.

I threw in some of the cream fabric’s salvage too cause it was fun and stripy.

I was working with scraps and I didn’t have quite enough to get the second cuff so I ended up having to piece a bit, but again I played around with the grain of the fabric and I really like the effect.

I finished it up with a few rows of decorative topstitching around the cuffs.

Bonita! Now I just wish I had enough fabric to make myself one.
On second though, it’s a good thing I don’t or I’d have to risk walking around in matching mommy and me scarves, and seriously, who wants to match her mother.

Just Kidding Mama Hart!

Happy Birthdaying
~Melisa & Cordelia

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