
Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today I communed with my inner Dead Head and took a tie die class.
It was a lot of fun because we had fabulous instructors and a great group of ladies.
 I left Cordelia at home cause I figured she would insist we try to die her, and somehow I suspect it will be counter productive to have a tie died dressform.

I brought Miko with me because it’s more fun to take classes when you have a buddy and this way I have someone to have a Tie Die Smack Down competition with. I’m sooooooo going to beat her out.

We both started with a plain white baby doll t.


Then we folded our shirts up.  We both chose to do a traditional spiral design which means we twisted the shirts up in a spiral.  Apparently I am a natural tie die folder and I was even offered a job due to my talent. 
See Miko, I totally have this competition in the bag!

My spiraled shirt.

Miko's spiraled shirt.

After Folding and rubber banding the shirts, you pour the die on top.

The instructor filled bottles with die so we could easily pour it on the shirts.
This is how the work station looked at the begging of class,


And this is how it looked after Miko went through. Baaaad Miko.

To die a spiral, you divide the rolled shirt into pizza slices and fill each slice with a different color of die. Miko went for a subtler effect and alternated each slice between purple and green on one side and a solid teal on the flip side.  I went for something a little busier and used pink, purple, green and teal.  I admit, Miko may actually beat me in the color choosing category.  Plus she was way more meticulous when applying the die than I was. I ended up with a bunch of purple in my pink sections, so we shall see how that comes out.

After dying the shirts, we wrapped them in saran wrap, threw them in a plastic zip lock bag and took them home.

Except Miko and I were having so much fun we both chose to die a silk scarf too.

For my scarf, I attempted diagonal lines and Miko went for straight lines.

So how did the shirts turn out?
Who won the design contest?
I don’t know yet.
 We have to let them sit for 24 hours before we get to see the results.
 Ahh the agony!
I want to see it now!

Happy Hippy Communing
~Melisa & Cordelia

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