
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Famous Dior Coat

Check This Out!

So I was reading my email and I had a newsletter from—a social network site for sewers. Now usually I delete these newsletters but the title said something about men’s wear so I decided to give it a look see. I was browsing through the newsletter when I found something about Burdastyle’s picks for Best of October and I thought, “hmmm, this could be fun.” So I clicked on the link and guess who came up on the 2nd slide?


That’s right, Burdastyle has chosen my Hello My Name is Dior  coat as one of the best projects of the month.

I am excited.

Now if you wish, you can go vote for me to be the best project. Not that I’m trying to tell you what to do, but if you should decided to help me out all you have to do is click this link:

and vote for the second slide.
You’ll see a black coat that looks a lot like this. 

Thanks everyone! You are super duper cool and awesome.

Happy coat wearing
~Melisa & Cordelia

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