
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Maiden Voyage

Cordelia and I moved into a new studio a week ago.

And, despite being here a week, we are nowhere near close to being completely unpacked as this pile of boxes I have not yet had the energy to tackle demonstrates oh so well.

But we did manage to get the important stuff like our sewing machines and iron unpacked and set up.

And I was able to get my new cutting table cleared off enough to be functional. 
I have a cutting table!!! 
One big enough to cut whole garments out on!
I've been dreaming about this day since I was 5. 
Good by days of crawling around the floor on my hands and knees!
Hello civilized cutting!
I feel like a real grown up seamstress now.

It is February so please bear with me as I take a moment to write a love note to my Cutting Table.

Dear Sweet, Adoring, Cutting Table,

I am so very excited to make your acquaintance.
Your existence has fulfilled all my secretest innermost desires and dreams.
I love your green counter tops and I adore you massive storage abilities.
I believe we shall be long time friends.
And I promise to keep you neat and pretty, just as soon as I get all this clutter cleared off you.

Melisa & Cordelia

Oh, I dream of the days when my cutting table no longer claims host to the random odds and ends no one knows what to do with.

Anyone want some seriously outdated electronic stuff.
It's free to a good home.
All you have to do is clear it away and get it off my beautiful new cutting table.

Anyhow, Cordelia and I dove right into sewing again. And, because the entire country is getting hit with about a billion inches of snow, the very first project Cordelia and I made in our new studio was the lining to Alex’s  Civil War Inspired Greatcoat

 Cause it’s time we finish this thing already. Poor boy’s buried under 20” of snow.

Pictures of the finished coat to come tomorrow!

Happy Unpacking
~Melisa & Cordelia

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