
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Better Than Martha Stewart

Happy Easter All!

Sorry this is getting to you a little on the late side for this Easter, but Cordelia and I only just experimented with our new technique for dying Easter Eggs. Even though Easter is practically over, you should really pay close attention cause this is cool stuff people.

This year, I died my Easter eggs by wrapping them in old silk ties. What in the world is this girl thinking you may be wondering, but trust me it’s pretty nifty. I was able to get extreme detail on the eggs (on one you can even make out the weave from the fabric), and each one was a complete surprise!

I wish I could tell you wear I got the idea from, but I can’t remember. I read about it on some blog, but for the life of me I CAN’T find it again, but luckily for you, I’m going to show you how to repeat the process.

First gather the cast of supplies.

You will need:

Scraps of silk fabric—I used old men’s ties—just make sure they are 100% silk.
Scraps of muslin fabric
Large cooking pot

First take the ties apart and save the interfacing for when you decide to make your own tie cause it’s practically impossible to find nice tie interfacing.

Cut a scrap of the tie fabric and wrap it, with the right side towards the egg, around the egg. Tie in place. I discovered that if you tie both ends of the fabric it turns out a little better.

After each egg is tied in silk, wrap each egg in a scrap of muslin and tie in place.

Place each egg in a pot and hard boil as usual.

After the eggs are cooked and cooled, remove them from the water and start unwrapping.

So remove the muslin layer.

Then the silk…

And TaDa!!
 A super nifty Easter Egg that is going to make all your neighbors jealous.

Try this!  It's fun,

It's easy,

It's exciting!

Happy Easter
~Melisa & Cordelia

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