
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Wedding Coat

Special thanks to Ciprian Photography 

Last weekend The Brother Hart got hitched.

Which means I’ve been crazy busy sewing for the wedding.

Because the wedding was taking place at Lake Tahoe in April, we were expecting wintry conditions (which we received) so I decided to make The Sister-in-Law Hart a coat to wear over her dress.

You may have read a bit about it already, but the bride wanted to keep the final design a secret from The Brother Hart so I had to be selective in the pictures I showed.

Which has been KILLING me.

But now that the wedding is done and over with, I get to share pictures of the coat with the whole world. So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!

P.S.  I apologize that I forgot to take some cleaner pictures of the coat before hauling it off to Tahoe, but just ignore the awkward blouse and wrinkled skirt and all will be good.

Her wedding gown is asymmetrical so I decided to carry on the theme in the coat.

I have also been obsessed with wrap garments lately so the wrap design shows up a bit in the coat too.

I wanted to add texture to the over sized collar so I cut out and sewed together about a billion flowers. I have to thank my good friend Miko for helping me cut out the flowers or else I would still be cutting those things!

The wedding colors were peach and gray, and it just so happened that I had some peach silk on hand so I incorporated it into a few of the flowers to give the coat a bit of color and punch.

The silk fabric was especially meaningful as my Grandfather Hart brought it back from Japan when he was stationed there during World War II. How do you like that history?

I also added a cluster of peach beads to the inside of each flower for a touch of sparkle and color.

And there you have it. A wedding coat full of family history, love and only just a little bit of blood and tears. But don’t worry Lauren, I sopped up all the blood with my own saliva so it’s totally 100% hygienic!

Happy Tuesday
~Melisa & Cordelia


  1. That is an absolutely beautiful coat. Your SIL is very lucky to have you!
