
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

girl Friday the Second

Have you discovered the Decades of Style patterns yet?

Well I think you should cause Cordelia and I have been having a ton of fun playing with them.

For example, we have made The Girl Friday Blouse twice. Yep, this pattern is so fabulous we had to make the blouse again. If you don’t remember the first blouse, you can read all about it here:

Well I loved my first blouse, but the fabric was so busy the collar got lost in all the flowers. And, while I was happy with the result, this blouse is all about the collar so my second time around I chose a subtler fabric and added some decorative tip stitching around the collar to really accentuate it.

I considered topstitching the collar by hand, but then wised up after about .03256 seconds and decided to use my machine instead.

For a more dramatic result I used the triple straight stitch for the top stitching and set the stitch length as long as it would go.

Another fabulous detail about this blouse is the darts—or lack of traditional darts. The darts all turn into cute little tucks.

So there you have it: a must make blouse that is a cute way to add a little vintage charm to your wardrobe!

Happy Topstitchin’
~Melisa & Cordelia


  1. That is so incredibly lovely! What a unique blouse. I love the colors you used, too.

  2. Here, here, a beautiful 1940's blouse and guess what . . . I have finally been able to order my very own pattern tonight! I am ecstatically happy to be getting this blouse and plan on making it in myriad of colors and fabrics.

    I will be blogging about it. As a matter of fact I have dedicated an entire post to this blouse and have decided each one I make I will put a pic of it on my page.


