
Friday, May 20, 2011

Know Your Seamfinishes--Hong Kong

Welcome to a little segment I like to call "Know You Seamfinishes" where I like to share some of the different ways you can finish a seam so your fabric does not ravel on you.

I'm all about making the insides of my garments look just as good as the outside, so I am especially fond of the Hong Kong seam finish as it is a really cool way to add a bit of contrasting fabric to the inside!

This is a good choice for heavy fabrics or fabrics that fray excessively. It is attractive and is a good choice for seams that will be visible such as those in an unlined jacket.

Put right sides of the fabric together, sew a 5/8” seam and press open.
Cut 1” wide bias tape (you can use the purchased stuff if you want).
With right sides together, line up the bias tape with the edge of one seam allowance.
Stitch ¼” from the edge. Be careful not to stretch the bias tape much or it will become too narrow.
Fold the bias tape out and press.
Wrap the bias tape around the seam and press.
Stitch in the ditch to hold the bias tape in place. Trim the unfinished edge of the bias if necessary.
Repeat for the other side of the seam.

I promis, it's way easy to do and is totally woth the extra time!!!
Happy Seamfinishing
~Melisa & Cordelia

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