
Friday, June 17, 2011

Me Made June Days 16 & 17

Cordelia and I are back for more Me Made June Challenge action!
What does that mean? 
 It means I’m still wearing at least one article of me made clothing a day, and, even more impressively, I’ve been really good about taking my picture everyday!

Day 16

Skirt: Me Made using my own pattern. It has an European Turned Underlinging which you can read about here!

Blouse: Target
Belt: Thrifted

Day 17

Blouse: Me Made using a Sew Serendipity pattern.
Shorts: Um, I think they came from Target?

I like to call this my camo blouse even though it looks nothing like camouflage.

Why? You may be wondering?
Well I tell ya!
It’s because when I wear it, I blend in with my work chair.
Cause the chair is covered in the same fabric.
So it’s like I'm a chameleon and I blend in.

Get it?

You can read all about the chair and the blouse here if you wish.

Which you should, cause it’s an intriguing story full of torrid office romances, disappearing acts and Harry Potter!

Happy Sewing
~Melisa & Cordelia


  1. You have an adorable blog! I'm a new follower.
    : )

  2. Hi! I LOVE that last shirt in the post (camo shirt). Do you know what the exact pattern is? It's so pretty. If you have time to tell me, you could email me via my blog.
