
Monday, August 8, 2011

A Little Bit of Organization

As my good buddy Rosie has pointed out, I have a little bit of a problem.

I have a tendency to put in a pair of earrings and wear the same earnings for moths without ever changing them.

Why do I do this?

Do I have an utter lack of cute earrings and am compensating my wearing my only cute pair everyday?


I just forget to even think about my earrings each morning as I get dressed.

Probably because they are all neatly stored away in one of my cute little earring holder gewgaw thingies so I don’t see them, and thus don’t think about them.

Rosie and I decided I needed to have my earrings on display as loud and vocal reminders that I do in fact have more than one pair of them.

So I went and made an earring holder.

I used this old picture frame I picked up at an antique store about a million years ago.

I just fell in love with the little flowers and had to have it.

Then I took some screen door netting stuff,

And cut it so it was a little bit bigger than my frame.

Finally, I staple gunned it to the back of my picture frame.

And easy peasy I had myself a new earring holder.

The hardest part of the whole project was hanging this thing on my adobe wall without making a mess of my newly panted wall. Scary!

Now I can see all my favorite dangly earrings and am excited to see what affect it has on my morning dressing routine!

Happy Organizing!
~Melisa & Cordelia

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